Office opening hours of the Ski School Dorfgastein Holleis
Where to find our ski school in Dorfgastein
Do you have any questions for the Ski School Dorfgastein Holleis or would you like to visit us in our ski school office directly at the valley station of the Dorfgastein cable cars? Here you can find all information about our location and our opening hours at a glance. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Ski school office registration
Ski school office
Ski School Dorfgastein Holleis GmbH
Bergbahnstraße 46
5632 Dorfgastein
Tel.: +43 (0)6433 7538
Location ski school office
At the valley station of the gondola lift directly next to the lift ticket offices
Information ticket sale
Open daily: 8.30 am – 5.30 pm